Stopped by 2 months ago to try out vaping to attempt to stop my pack a day smoking habit. I have been smoking for 30 years (damn, I just realized that it has been 30 YEARS!) I have tried other quitting methods in the past: patches, Chantix, & Nicotine gum. FINALLY, something that works. After 2 months of vaping, cigarettes taste terrible and I have no intentions of smoking again.
The customer service at Swamp Vapor is awesome. Everyone is super helpful and friendly. For my vape, I was expecting to be pressured to buy some expensive, high maintenance vape. Instead I was recommended a midrange priced vape that cost fifty dollars (Amigo FP50). Charges quickly, stays charged all day on full charge. My favorite flavors are Awesome Sauce & Bubble Yum. I am probably 1 month away from completely being done with the vaping or at least done vaping with any Nicotine in the vape "juice".
Vaping has REALLY helped me get rid of this monkey that has been on my back! Thanks Swamp Vapor for helping me with this! And my daughter and family "Thank you!"